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At 6 years, Marine Martin-Ehlingerturns in Number 2 of Jean-Luc Godard, then in Mrs Jekyll and Mrs Love of Milka Assaf. A 14 years, she integrates the Performing arts,before leaving to the university of Worcester to the United States, where she plays “This Propriety is condamned” of Tennessee Williams.Her formation will be done then inActors Studio with John Strasberg,then with Zygmunt Molik of theTheatre Laboratory, later with thePygmalion Studio to involve itselftoday with the school of the gamewith Delphine Eliet and Nabih Amaraoui.
Starting from 1989, it connects thetheatrical projects, of which trestlesof the revolution to the Tuileries Gardens, Chien Taxi put in scene byBernard Colin in Rennes.
By 1995, it joined the company theTrap Theatre, directed by Christophe Thiry, with whom it works until 2008on many Classical andcontemporary parts.
Parrallèlement, it plays amongst other things, in, “Sorrows of Lostloves” put in scene by Simon Abkarian, “the miserly one” of Jeanlouis Crinon, Sfax of Claudine Pellé,“a machine” of Patrice Douchet, “Powerful and pauper” ofYann Reuzeau, “Dating Speed” ofGeorges de Cagliari and productionby Sara Veyron, “When my heartbeats, I want that you hear it” ofAlberto Lombardo. In 2004, it carriesout a documentary film withManuelle Blanc, Face of Aligre,selected with the festivals of Vannesand Mans.
Since, it turned to the cinema in “theMigrations of Vladimir " feature filmof Milka Assaf, but also for television– in particular Combat of woman,“the love captive” of Yves Thomas,“Hello Paris” of Yves de Peretti,“silence and the pain”, “the wire ofthe book” and “the image of thefather”, the series of three films ofGérard Martin – and the web-series“Worcruft Apocalysme” carried outby Stéphane Secq and diffused on Millennium. It carries out adocumentary film with Manuelle Blanc, Face of Aligre, selected withthe festivals of Vannes and Mans.
In 2014 , Martin-Ehlinger plays Vingthième Theatre“Démineuses” of Milka Assaf, in 2015 “Skins of Cows” of Céline Naissant to the Theatre of Déchageurs (Paris), “M.U.R.S” with Fura Dels Baus in "the Grande Halle of the Villette", she interprets "Winnie" in “the Beautiful days” of Samuel Beckett with the Cie du Sablier. In January 2016 it turns an episode “the forgottenfather” Produces by TF1 carried outby Philippe Dajoux and turns in“Passion” short film Arthur Vernon. In 2017 2018, she is on the next creation of Vincent Clergironet “the Marriage” and shoots in "Paris Ect ..." directed by Zabou Kreitman (Canal +)